23 de abril de 2012


Para que vayáis rascándoos los "bolsillos mentales", un listado de mas de 150 precios de los libros que mañana estarán a la venta (sin dinero) en #1010ways:
0001. Call your mom and tell her “I love you”
0002. To kiss a stranger
0003. Plant a tree in a public space
0004. Be a kid for a day
0005. Sit on a bench for an hour and do nothing
0006. Switch off all your electronic devices for a day
0007. Gathering a group of people to dance a “conga”
0008. Take 10 pictures of people smiling
0009. Walking upstairs instead of taking the elevator for a month
0010. Become a blood donor
0011. Swapping it for another book
0012. Asking “Do I Need It?” in your next shopping day
0013. Write down and share the recipe of your best dish
0014. Park your car for a month
0015. Bringing a fresh water fish (alive)
0016. Bringing a plant with flowers
0017. Invite the owner of the book to the movies
0018. Bringing a pig in any of its forms
0019. Start to ask for the doggy bag at restaurants
0020. Stop using any social network for a week
0021. Start recycling at home
0022. Riding your bike instead of driving your car for a week (or more)
0023. Quit smoking starting this week
0024. To eat three pieces of fruit daily for a month
0025. Open your wifi network at home for a week
0026. Smile on the tube every day

0027. Adopting a stray dog instead of buying one
0028. 365 hugs in 365 days
0029. Send us a postcard in your next trip
0030. Switching off the stand-by lights at home
0031. Start supporting a charity (with or without donation)
0032. Playing one hour more with your kids
0033. Talk to a homeless for 10 minutes
0033. A paint made by a child
0034. An new slogan to change the world
0035. A job offer
0036. Wear sunscreen
0037. Giving an extra day off to one of your employees
0038. A surprise present
0039. Your favorite poem
0040. One of your favourite CDs (actually, you don’t play it anymore)
0041. A museum ticket
0042. Taking it “por la cara”
0043. Cooking a “tortilla española” for us
0044. A bottle of wine from your cellar
0045. Let your kids to paint your face and use the picture in your FB profile
0046. Invite your friends to a round of drinks
0047. Dare to say “I Love You” to that special friend
0048. Your favourite movie (original copy not necessary)
0049. Nothing
0050. Anything valuable
0051. Smashing your wrist watch with your shoe
0052. A yo-yo
0053. Bring a street band to play for 10 minutes
0054. Grow a moustache for movember.com
0055. Call your dad and tell him “I Love You”
0056. Become an organ donor
0057. Write a poem
0058. A handmade toy
0059. Sharing your newspaper with your fellow passenger
0060. Spraying “La Belleza Es Tu Cabeza” somewhere
0061. Taking your grandad to a good barber shop
0062. Take your grandma to a good hairdresser

0063. Reducing your car, bike, walk and life speed
0064. Stop ordering red tuna at your sushi restaurant
0065. Start to run every week from now
0066. Read it and pass it to someone else
0067. Take a walk on the wild side (or at least, go camping)
0068. Bringing a book from another bookstall
0069. Carpooling
0070. Climb a mountain (and send us a picture from there)
0071. Drawing a self-portrait
0072. Recycle this book
0073. Do not forget Haiti
0074. Swap this book for another book
0075. Write a letter to your grandparents
0076. Singing a song... now

0077. A joke
0078. Selling 10 books (without money) in your own town
0079. Write down your biography in a post-it
0080. Grow a lentil in cotton and take care of it
0081. Dress (and be) like a superhero for a day
0082. Replace TV for Radio for a whole week
0083. Make a billboard with a positive message and hang it in your balcony
0084. Use a 6 and a 4 to draw your own portrait
0085. Sign up for a dance class
0086. Call your mother-in-law and tell her you love her
0087. Do a 50 meter moonwalk with the book

0088. Use a white wall in your house for your children to draw
0089. Make a painting an hang it in your house
0090. Join the T11 movement www.t11targeta.blogspot.com.es

0091. Sign up as a volunteer in a Senior Center
0092. A prayer, a recipe or a declaration of love
0093. Make two strangers kiss
0094. Remember the odor of someone you loved
0095. The last book you read
0096. Adopt a greyhound at www.sosgalgos.org
0097. Transform this book into something else
0098. Share a positive thought with us
0099. Draw a ying yang symbol in your forehead
0100. Tell us when was the last time you cried
0101. Start a fire with two sticks and send us a video
0102. Trust your gut
0103. Tell us something as weird as this book
0104. Scare the shit out of the person next to you
0105. Explain us what is a prime number
0106. Bring this book next year
0107. Make fun of yourself
0108. Make a paper plane, and make it fly
0109. A pack of your favorite tea

0110. Tell a bad joke a make us smile

0111. Keep your room in order, for at least one week
0112. Read out load the parable in page 25
0113. Show us your secret talent
0114. Tell us how what other name you would like to have
0115. Meditate every morning before going to work
0116. Have breakfast (a good one) everyday
0117. Adopt a pet in the next 7 days
0118. Eat ALL your food
0119. Brush your teeth after meals
0120. Have a medical check
0121. Start to walk, at least … each day
0122. Shout now: ¡¡¡LA VIDA ES BELLA!!!
0123. Finish that course of study you didn't finish
0124. Watch the sunrise (at least) once a week
0125. Make a radical makeover
0126. Go to a yoga class
0127. Celebrate a tradition of another culture
0128. Give 10 daily hugs for one month

0129. Do your shopping in a local market for a month
0130. Pink your house
0131. Close your F***book account
0132. Forgive someone
0133. Watch a movie in its original version (no subtitles)
0134. Walk for 30 minutes a day
0135. Learn a new word each day for a complete year
0136. Move the furniture in your room
0137. Write a letter for a random stranger and send it
0138. Learn a new craft
0139. Turn off your mobile phone for 24 hours
0140. Take a photo with an analog camera and send it to us
0141. Return a favor
0142. Run your first 10K race
0143. Sign up to a time bank
0144. Donate this week the clothes you don't use
0145. Learn to make bread
0146. Tell a story to a plant
0147. Spend a day with yourself
0148. Have a coffee with somebody you haven't seen in 15 yrs
0149. Bring roses for the guys
0150. Bring roses for all
0151. A week using Red Passion lipstick

0152. A month without eating fast food
0153. Give one of your toys to a kid
0154. Take care of animals, including ants and flies
0155. Drink a fresh orange juice at least twice a week
0156. Do your homework with no complaints until the end of the year
0157. Call your grandparents once a week
0158. One week with no TV (even online)
0159. Always say "Please" when asking for things
0160. Go to sleep without arguing for a whole year
0161. Hug 20 persons
0162. Share the work of the author/s across your social networks.
0163. Go to the beach and count waves next time you get angry
0164. Question yourself (seriously)
0165. Write about www.globalgiving.org in your blog
0166. Tweet your 1.000+ followers about www.goteo.org
0167. Organize a 1010ways event in another city

0168. Become a bone marrow donor www.fcarreras.org
0169. Make a photo diary for one week

0170. Make love tonight and tomorrow
0171. Thank the donor of this book in your social networks
0172. Make a t-shirt with your favorite word and send us another
0173. Gather food and take it to a food bank
0174. Share hot food and a conversation with a homeless

 ... Llegaremos a 1010 precios!!!!

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