Happy Birthday Dear Karen
Happy K Birthday que es mucho más calé.
Lo primero que ha hecho Iol al llegar a La Casa ha sido hacer a mano deprisa y corriendo un cartel de F E L I C I D A D E S.
¡Qué arte Iol!
Más tarde, con algo más de tiempo, lo hemos rehecho al estilo de La Casa y Iol le ha dado su toque personal cambiando las letras y posando delante de él.
Álex felicita a Karen.
Then Patricia y Violeta arrived and they went to Badalona where Dora Joker and Wyne were working for tomorrow's shooting.
Isa and Karen working. Happy birthdays were on the air.
María working. Happy birthdays were on the walls.
Wyne working. Happy birthdays were on the cameras.
Colourful sketches for every picture. Happy birthdays were everywhere.
And Violeta.
Karen had a Happy Birthday Lunch in Badalona.
It was a hard working day, but at least it had time to go to the beach and take some pictures.
Palmtrees are Karen's favourite trees.
Incredible picture. ¿Robocop? ¿WALL-E?
It resembles the one with the flower and the gun of the Carnation Revolution.
After lunch Carlitos and Patricia went to the postproduction company to work on the tv offlines.
Karen arrived later.
She looks like a diva.
She looks like a million dollars bucks.
Around 22:00, Carlitos y Karen drove back to La Casa in Carlitos's Vespa under drops of rain.
Funny Happy Birthday ride.
And when everybody arrived to La Casa, we review the design proposition for the website.
Well... it's not into the concept.
What can we do?
Let's redo it!
far away
a distant song
came to Karen:
Uhmmm, it's for me!
We decided to stop for a while and drink properly.
After a bottle of champagne probably we will see everything in a better way.
It's my party and I cry if I want to...
Let's smile instead of crying!
Let's dance cause Girls just wanna have fun!
¡¡¡¡F E L I Z C U M P L E A Ñ O S K A R E N!!!!!
Iol stayed in La Casa until Karen arrived.
She wanted to cheer up. And she did.
3, 2, 1!!!!
Thank you Karen in your 20something birthday.
We hope you will have an excellent new year!
At least, it started with a very weird unexpected intense day.
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